Who wants to go stand in line and wait for their swine flu vaccine? The toxic ingredients you need to make your own are easy attainable for just about anyone.
Here’s how to make it:
What an eye opener, eh?
Want to discover another little gem of information?
Just about the only thing that differs between the swine flue vaccine and any other vaccine is the virus it contains. Yikes!
That makes you wonder about all of those vaccines that children are required to get before they can go to school, doesn’t it?
So what are some more of the dangerous ingredients that are used in the swine flu?
The Associated Content drops a new one on us,
“The worst of the Swine Flu Vaccine ingredients is Squalene was also known as Fruends Adjuvant, and when it was first discovered and tested on animals, it was found to be a devastating adjuvant. It was then declared unsafe for injection into humans and was banned until Desert Storm. According to statistics, some 25% of those who received the vaccine containing Squalene developed Desert Storm Syndrome, which is a serious and severe autoimmune disorder.”
One of the best articles I’ve found on the swine flu vaccine ingredients is from Remixx World.
This post is updated constantly with new information and new findings as they are discovered… and not just for the h1n1 vaccine in the US, but the UK’s and Canada’s vaccines as well.
So what do you think?
Have you already gotten the swine flu vaccine or do you plan to? Does this information change your mind at all?
If you’re looking for natural alternatives to the swine flu vaccine, you can always let Mother Nature kick the swine flu in the ass with the flora filled face mask.
I think every little step toward living green is an awesome one… but eco-snobbery sucks! My goal is to help newbies learn the most important steps toward living green — individually and collectively. Personally, I strive to have as little impact as possible on Planet Earth while I’m here.