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I think every little step toward living green is an awesome one... but eco-snobbery sucks! My goal is to help newbies learn the most important steps toward living green -- individually and collectively. Personally, I strive to have as little impact as possible on Planet Earth while I'm here.

Want cheap rain barrels that look nice? I've got 3 DIY ideas for you using wooden, plastic, and plain 'ol ugly barrels. Pretty rain barrels to make yourself

Amazing DIY projects to help keep you safe (and healthy) while biking. Fun ways to add lights to your bike!

Make your landscape shine with solar powered LED firefly lights. Why? Because you can!

What's the best reason to save the planet? BEER, obviously.

Earth Day is upon. Are you going to get out and celebrate Earth Day at your local Earth Day festival this year? Here's how to find Earth Day events near you

Simple, easy, and creative project to turn a gourd into a festive party light or chic accent lamp.

Make small, easy, fun changes to throw the greenest Super Bowl party on the block! We've got the best picks for beer, food, and homemade penalty flags.

What if you have an unexpected vegetarian dinner guest this year? Here are 3 quick & easy vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes to wow your dinner guests.

Looking for some spooky ecofriendly Halloween decorations this year? Make your own Halloween LED lights! Here's how...