Recently there has been a flurry of news that marks some incredible accomplishments for the effort for a greener existence.
On the heels of his birthday yesterday, Al Gore has dropped not just one bomb, but two!
As Ecorazzi reports, crowds are beginning to build as people are already camping out in line for tickets to the movie version of Our Choice, the official sequel to An Inconvenient Truth…even before the release date is announced!
The second bomb dropped by Air Force Gore was also covered by Ecorazzi, who reports:
"Sources close to the the former Vice-President dropped the news that Gore is set to release a new line of 100% organic vegan frozen foods.
Wow! What could have sparked such a recent flurry of exciting news?
Unvelievably, those 2 announcements from Al Gore, aka "his holiness", aren’t the only incredible eco-advances being reported on.
"What could be greater than vegan, organic frozen foods?", you ask.
You wouldn’t believe the stories if I told you (but I will anyway)…
Rush Limbaugh for PETA!
Via EarthFirst, conservative front man Rush Limbaugh has made a surprise move and has become PETA’s newest spokesperson!
EarthFirst says,
"A tearful Limbaugh admitted in a press conference this morning that animals and the environment are his true passion, and he’s tired of living ‘the conservative lie’."
Wow! Can you believe it?
TreeHugger Helps Your Children Pull Their Own Weight!
Discovery’s TreeHugger announced they will launch a new site, WeeHugger, later in the month.
Why expand their already vast eco empire? They say,
"[The] new site is full of ideas to keep children happy, busy and productive. In these tough times everyone has to pitch in and contribute and children have so much to offer. And they love to work at things, often spending hours on the same activity, no matter how repetitive and inane it seems to us."
Good idea TreeHugger!
GM Unveils Secretly Engineered, Water Powered Car!
Once again from EarthFirst, GM is feeling the pressure of Obama’s ultimatum handed down to the automakers. Luckily they were able to answer by revealing their newest car that will definitely sweep the world by storm, the Agua.
EarthFirst covered the story saying,
"The company plans to scrap all gas vehicles and go 100% hybrid/electric/hydrogen and other alternative fuels for 2010."
Oil Execs Wake Up and Donate $125 Billion for Clean Energy Funding
TwilightEarth reports that a group of oil execs have had an epiphany…and are putting their money where their black as coal mouths are.
They say,
"Released after an all-night meeting which ended in tears and an environmental epiphany, [this document] states that all of the profits from oil production last year will be divided equally among the world’s leading environmental research organizations."
Earlier I asked, "What could have sparked such a recent flurry of exciting news?"…
Do you think it’s the fact that today is April Fools Day? 😉
Be honest, when did you figure out none of these stories were real? Don’t be shy now.
Hit up The Daily Green to check out some great green pranks to pull today…there’s plenty of April fooling left to be done.
Post image via Bob’s Bites.