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Lance Armstrong may have won the Tour De France 7 times, but he still spends a lot of time behind cars... and he's tired of sucking on your tailpipe.

Can you correctly answer whether these phrases are names of BP oil cleanup ideas or actually bad action movie titles? Yeah, the similarity is striking...

Jimmy Fallon OWNS NBC's Green Week with a creative eco-jam medley of spoofed songs. Nice!

The nation's 1st LEED registered movie theater, The Majestic 12, is now open for business in Chattanooga, TN. Check out these interviews!

The Governator says 'eff you' to the California state legislature in a secret coded message. Priceless!

One of the stars of Fox's hit new show, Glee, is a major greenie...and says it doesn't cost any extra do so!

The Chippendale dance-off between Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze...hands down Swayze's finest moment.

Nothing is hotter right now than transformers...except of course for SOLAR POWERED transformers!

Check out the awesome eco-friendly features of the HGTV 2009 Green Home...and it's one EPIC eco-fail!