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Earth Hour Interviews in the Dark and on the Street, Including One With Nashville Mayor Karl Dean

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By Jeffrey

Earth Hour 2009 went off amazingly all over the world!

The Fun Times Guide to Living Green was on the street and at a VIP party in Nashville, TN—1 of the 8 flagship U.S. cities—catching folks both before the flip of the switch and also in the darkness of Earth Hour to find out what they thought about Earth Hour.

…oh, and we were also able to catch up with Nashville Mayor, Karl Dean! Check it out!

Check out the interviews before the flip of the switch and also in the darkness after the jump…

Through his “green ribbon” program, Mayor Dean has done more to advance green living in Nashville than very possibly any other Nashville mayor, so we were especially glad to catch up with him.

Some of the interview answers in the following 2 videos are crazy, some are serious, but they are ALL, without a doubt, TONS OF FUN!

Apologies for the minor sound issues during some interviews, the wind was gusting to 40mph into our mic…which was a wireless lapel mic rolled up in a magazine (that we recycled afterwards). How cool is that?

Interviews BEFORE the Flip of the Switch:

Interviews in the Dark, AFTER the Flip of the Switch:

A Little About One of the Interviewees:

In the first video, before the flip of the switch for Earth Hour, the man introduced as “Skip” was in fact Skip Lawrence of Lawrence Bros, LLC.

Lawrence Bros, LLC is an award-winning, certified green home builder in Nashville, TN. As I learned right after my interview with Skip, Lawrence Bros, LLC is also on the aforementioned Mayor’s Green Ribbon Committee in Nashville!

I didn’t know Skip at all before the interview, but I’m glad to make another new green friend helping to change the face of one our country’s cities and help it’s citizens have FUN living green.

Here’s what Nashville’s skyline looked like after the flip of the switch (courtesy of Nashvillest):

What do you think of the people in Nashville’s reactions to Earth Hour?

Keep in mind that, short of a brief request of their willingness to do a quick interview, they were totally on the spot.

What was the reaction to and participation in Earth Hour like where you live?

Special Thanks to:

  • McKneely, Piggot, and Fox PR firm for busting their tails for many months to garner support for and participation in Nashville’s Earth Hour AND for putting on the VIP party
  • My friends Rick and Heather who helped me find people to interview, doing an awesome job shooting the videos, and for providing all of the A/V equipment. You guys rock!