It’s already the middle of May and you realize you never got around to starting that container garden you planned on this year.
Don’t worry! It’s not too late to start it! June isn’t too late to start it!
If you’re going to be starting your own container garden, why not make your garden planters for FREE from reclaimed wooden pallets?
Here are 3 great plans to choose from…
DIY Pallet Planters
Last month we talked about how to not die when building patio furniture and other items from pallets.
Those same tips should obviously still apply (if you enjoy living)… so go check them out first.
Also, The Early Show had Master Gardener William Moss of the National Gardening Association on the show to give some great late-start vegetable gardening advice. Be sure to check out what tips, tricks, and veggies he recommends for starting a garden in the early to mid summer in both northern and southern climates.
#1 – Basic DIY Pallet Garden Planter
(pictured above)
This planter’s designer decided to give it a pretty fancy name… and a sexy look to go with it.
This particular container is unique as it also involves providing 2 frog or toad habitats built right in.
I have not the faintest clue as to why it does, but it does. Check it out for yourself.
#2 – No Nail Pull Method DIY Pallet Garden Planter
(my personal favorite)
This container’s construction is designed to help you bypass the hands-down most frustrating element to reusing old pallets.
It is notoriously hard to pry the slats apart without splintering wood, so this designer actually named this project, “Planter from pallets, no nail pull method“.
Personally, I prefer the vertical orientation of the slats in this project to the horizontal one in the previous plan.
Which do you like better?
#3 – DIY Compost Bin Made From Pallets
So obviously this project is not a planter made from pallets.
It is, however, an easy to make option for a must-have compost bin.
Think about it, you’re going to need to fill those new container gardening planters with soil. What better way to do that than with your very own (and free) organic compost?
If reusing pallets doesn’t strike your container gardening fancy, check out the DIY urban homestead garden and spinning double-decker compost bin plans we shared with you for Earth Day.
Were you one of the ones that felt like you waited too long to start a new container garden this year? I was.
I’m glad to know that it’s not too late. My wife and I will be tackling 1 of these plans in the near future.
Will you?