Articles Tagged:

shipping pallets

Use old wood pallets to make something awesome! Here are 6 DIY pallet furniture ideas to add some pizzazz - and practicality - to your outdoor living space.

Want to liven up your outdoor space? Try making some chic hanging chairs from shipping pallets!

Want to grow your own herbs and veggies? Here are the details on how to build a simple but beautiful raised bed garden.

These fun gardening projects are worthy of a little bit of time during any beautiful weekend.

Sometimes a good DIY project simply means standing a shipping pallet up on its end. Voila! A shoe rack...

Want to start your own container garden? Why not build one that looks great for FREE? All you need is some old shipping pallets to make this DIY container garden.

Did you think you missed the boat to start your own container garden of fresh vegetables? Think again. Check out these free DIY planters!

Look for great eco-friendly patio furniture on the cheap? Shipping pallets could be a surprisingly fabulous option!