Articles Tagged:

shopping bags

There are many ways you can be environmentally responsible without having to go out & buy a Smart Car. 5 simple tips that I use for staying green in my car.

Uh oh, you're in the checkout line and realize you forgot your reusable bags? What to do? Take the plastic bags, then reuse them in one of these 11 fun ways

Who wants boring reusable bags? Make a statement or start some conversations with a clever or funny canvas bag.

Why put plastic produce bags in your reusable shopping bags at checkout? Snag a set of the only reusable produce bags you'll ever need.

Hats off to this AMAZING pug! If he can live green, so can we.

Guys, who says you have to look like a lady to shop eco-friendlier? Check out these hip and masculine reusable bags to get your shop on!

These 2 quick and free reusability ideas are so obvious you'll wonder why you didn't think of them before...and how you've lived without them!

Who says you have to pay a fortune for organic cotton reusable bags made in the USA? Here's a great reusable tote bag for $9.99!

Teaching our children how to live green is the BEST way to change the world. I got to speak to an entire 3rd grade class about it, and they blew me away!