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10 Green Christmas Gifts For The Ladies

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By Zachary

Following up on last week’s Green Gifts for Guys post, here’s one for the girls.

Of course, most of the items on this list could go to guys as well (and same with the previous list)… but these are items that came to mind for the ladies, in particular.



1. Adopt an Endangered Animal for Her.

A number of environmental organizations offer the opportunity to “Adopt an Animal” these days. Basically, you donate the necessary amount and they send you (or the person of your choice) a stuffed animal. There are a ton of great organizations to choose from.


2. Eco-Friendly Makeup.

I hesitate to think about all the harmful chemicals in conventional makeup. Luckily, there are a lot of good, eco-friendly makeup options these days. If makeup sounds like a good present for your girlfriend, sister, friend, mother, or daughter, choose an eco-friendly option. Check out eco-friendly and healthy cosmetics and skin care products from Arbonne International.


3. Non-Toxic Nail Polish.

Same story as with the makeup. I am especially bothered when someone is putting on nail polish near me, so I am very thankful for the companies that have started making non-toxic options.


4. Quality Organic Hair and Skin Care Products (or a gift certificate to a company that sells them).

Hair and skin care products are a must for most ladies. Did you know that your skin absorbs about 60% of what is put on it? Better to make sure the stuff that is put on it isn’t full of harmful chemicals and toxins.


5. Bamboo Clothing or Bed Sheets.

As I mentioned last week, we are big fans of bamboo around here. It is a super green resource. Looking to buy someone some clothes or bed sheets? Go bamboo…it feels a lot like silk.


6. Organic Cotton, Hemp, Bamboo, or Recycled Fabric Lingerie.

Again, there are many green materials out there these days. So, there are also many green lingerie options — take your pick. Some organic underwear companies even support non-profit environmental organizations like Oceana, ForestEthics, and EarthSpark International.


7. Organic, Fair-Trade Coffee.

Coffee is allegedly the second-most traded commodity in the world, after petroleum. And it is also the most pesticide-laden crop in the world (cotton is the second-most, FYI). Coffee is an important thing to go organic on. And, of course, going fair-trade should be a given. (If you can buy the coffee from a local coffee shop, even better! Try to go local if you can.)


8. Organic, Fair-Trade Tea.

Not big on coffee, but like tea? Go for some organic, fair-trade tea instead. Or, if she likes both, maybe do a coffee-tea combo.


9. Recycled Glass Jewelry.

Jewelry, if you’re up to that level, can come from a variety of sources, of course. I think recycled glass is beautiful and it is also clearly a good green option. See if you can find some nice recycled glass jewelry in your town or city.


10. Organic, Fair-Trade Chocolate.

OK, I know even if nothing on the list above struck the right chord, chocolate should. You can’t go wrong with organic, fair-trade chocolate. And there are plenty of options at the store these days.

Hope you got some useful ideas from the list above. If you have more ideas, share them below!

Photo: batudiste