How many people are on your Christmas card mailing list? 100? 200? Maybe even more?
Multiply whatever number it is by .42 (price of postage), then add in the cost of the cards and/or printing, and you’re looking at a nice, hefty bill just to wish people (who are probably mostly strangers to you by now) a Happy Hanuquanzafestimas.
Instead, why not put together a free, fun, Christmas ecard in the form of a photo slideshow, complete with falling snowflakes and swaying Christmas tree ornaments?
This post will be the first in a series that will walk you through several things:
Part 2: The environmental benefits and savings of not sending paper Christmas cards
Part 3: How to create your very own Christmas ecard slideshow — including ways to share your ecard and why NOT to attempt directly embedding it in an email
Part 4: How to build your own FREE web page for your Christmas eCard
I have my Christmas ecard displayed on a page at my own personal domain name, and you can view my Christmas ecard here to see what your page would look like.
Yeah, I’m gonna GIVE you the code. Aren’t I nice?
My holiday eCard contains 4 pictures:
- 1 picture of my house all lit up for the holidays
- 1 picture of my wife and I
- and 2 pictures of our new puppies we rescued back in July
I’ll bring all these posts to you by Monday, so check back soon and save a BIG chunk of holiday change!