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Death To The [Really Cute] Water Wasting Cats!

I’m pretty positive that cats are the spawn of all evil, and those dirty little buggers are even horrendous water wasters too…just take a look at this:

See, all of that water wasted just to get a drink. It’s a cat conspiracy I’m telling you! Just wait, once they use up the fresh water supply and evolution brings them opposable thumbs, they’re going to take over the world.

Just kidding (but not about hating cats).

This video is from Jason Mraz’s blog and he actually has some pretty cool perspectives on water conservation. Read on to check them out.

First let me back off of all the little water wasting kitties…evil as they may be…because as I’ve confessed in the past, I have a bad habit of water wasting myself.

If you struggle with wasting water too, there’s a cheap little gizmo called the Instant-Off Water Saver that can help you drastically reduce your water wastings. Check it out!

Back to Jason Mraz…

What’s one of Jason’s favorite tips for saving water? Buy local and organically grown produce. Huh? I thought we were talking about water? 

We are. Jason says,

"Not buying organic means you’re adding more pollutants to the water, and putting more toxicity in the air.

I am present to the debate about how certain organics have to be flown-in from around the world. (Most food travels an average of 1300 miles from farm to plate – which is why buying local is highly recommended.) If we keep requesting untainted food, the demand for organics WILL increase, inspiring more and more local produce companies to offer natural food."

He also goes on to talk about bottled water:

"Also, when you absolutely HAVE to buy water, please choose brands that are closest to your home. There is no way that water from Fiji is going to improve your sex life. Get it from the tap, or get it local. Click here to learn about & locate your watershed and see how land activity affects your personal water supply."

Like Jason, we’re going to suggest that when drinking from your filtered faucet at home, try not to use 9 gallons of water per drink…like the kitty above. I don’t care how cute he is.

What’s the easiest way you’ve found to save on your water usage?