Articles Tagged:

energy savings

It's easy to make the switch to rechargeable batteries with this affordable Energizer charger that accommodates all sizes of battery.

Hats off to this AMAZING pug! If he can live green, so can we.

Earth Hour 2010 is just around the corner, but does it really make a difference? It does if you don't want to be beat up by panda bears.

Obama officially announced his 'Cash for Caulkers' plan on Tuesday, and it looks promising for anyone who's been putting off some eco-friendly home improvements.

Sometimes LED Christmas lights aren't the most eco-friendly option. Find out how regular old mini lights can be greener than LEDs.

A fun, simple, and easy way to turn turn ping-pong balls and Christmas lights into diffused party lights for your next event.

Turning a staircase into a giant piano is one fun way to help people change to fight climate change.

Letting your automatic sprinklers run during a rain storm...FAIL!

Check out these fun videos from green companies at the Green Living Expo in Nashville...and win a free non-toxic & organic t-shirt!