Articles Tagged:


Looking for some Arbor Day fun? Look no further than DIY waterfalls, tree planting, and Jim Carrey.

An amazing amount of eco-news that will change the face of our planet has been dropping like saturation bombs recently, find the biggest ones here!

As the late, great, George Carlin asks in this comedy bit, "Is it the planet or the people?" This George Carlin video will make you scratch your head!

Obama's inauguration is taking some small green steps, but can it really be considered a green inauguration?

The joke is not that people vote based on environmental policies of candidates, but that we think that legislation will actually make a difference!

Hollywood's finest go green at a pre-Oscar green carpet gala. They also shed their gas guzzling limo's for hip electric cars provided by Global Green USA...including the new Tesla Roadster that does 0-60 in four seconds!


The 2007 Oscars go green in the Green Room. What a concept, huh? Check out the measures they've taken to make this year's Academy Awards a little more environmentally friendly.