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2007 Oscars Go Green in the Green Room

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By Jeffrey

oscars-academy-awardsEco-friendliness is the up-and-coming trend in Hollywood, and it seems that more and more celebrities are beginning to live green every day.

Today Good Morning America featured a story that reported the 2007 Oscar Awards will be going green in the Green Room.

Hey, what a concept right?

From USAToday.com on the subject, “The greenroom is the place just offstage at theaters and late-night chat shows, where guests gather to wait, nosh and natter just before going on.”

I must say, some pretty interesting ideas have been employed in the greening of the Oscars Green Room.


Last year’s Green Room was apparently a drab, old school, velvety fantasy movie theatre lobby.

This year, the design team of Matthew White and Frank Webb are avoiding beiges and neutrals and going with more of a classical and modern fusion look.

Again, from the above referenced article at USAToday.com, here are the green elements they’ve employed as well:

“A rug made of recycled plastic bottles”

“Walls lacquered with paint with no VOC (volatile organic compounds)”


Ok, ok, so these aren’t overtly enormous steps, but they are at least something. And something is always better than nothing.

I also like that what they’ve done to the Green Room at the Oscars this year is do-able for the average person in their own home.

Next time you go to paint a room, consider having some fun and buying No VOC or at least Low VOC paint… especially if you have little ones running around.

For more information on harmful VOC’s (volatile organic compounds), see Wikipedia’s entry, this article at EPA.gov, or this toxins article at USGS.gov.