Articles Tagged:

green events

Earth Day is upon. Are you going to get out and celebrate Earth Day at your local Earth Day festival this year? Here's how to find Earth Day events near you

Recycling Fun

You can make recycling a lot more fun and less of a chore at home - for both adults AND kids! These 5 unique recycling ideas will make things a lot easier.

world solar challenge

Is it possible to build a car fast enough and green enough to race across Australia? That's the World Solar Challenge.

Get healthy, better your family, and have some fun by joining in International Walk To School Day each October.

On World Trade Day, try to support the benefits of fair trade & help entrepreneurs in developing countries sell their commodities for the price they deserve

Lots of confusing and conflicting information might make you miss your local Earth Day festivities. Here's how to find out what's happening near you.

Earth Hour 2010 is just around the corner, but does it really make a difference? It does if you don't want to be beat up by panda bears.

What is World Water Day and why is it important? This infographic answers those questions better than any article.

Jimmy Fallon OWNS NBC's Green Week with a creative eco-jam medley of spoofed songs. Nice!