Articles Tagged:


Going green, getting healthier, and cleaning out your winter junk can all be accomplished in one fell swoop.

Check out the awesome eco-friendly features of the HGTV 2009 Green Home...and it's one EPIC eco-fail!

Can 15,000 square feet worth of mansion be green? The argument is getting pretty heated...what do you think?

Looking for affordable certified organic flowers? Organic Bouquet is THE place to buy organic flowers... for SOOOO many reasons!

Love that fresh paint smell? Did you know it could actually be killing you... literally? Here's what you need to know about low-VOC and no-VOC paints.

Green Business. It's a growing trend in the world and CNN Money just released a list of the 10 greenest companies in the world. Check it out.


The 2007 Oscars go green in the Green Room. What a concept, huh? Check out the measures they've taken to make this year's Academy Awards a little more environmentally friendly.