Home & GardenLighter Shades of Green

The Green Police are on the lookout for plastic water bottle drinkers, non-composters, and gas guzzler drivers...at least during this year's Super Bowl. Good thing the Audi A3 TDI is safe, as it earned 2010's Green Car of the Year award.

Who needs to spend thousands of dollars for solar panels? All you need is to do is attach the $9.99 HydroWOW to your faucet, leave the water running all day, and you'll be generating your own hydro-power in no time!

Just a taste of some of the most viral (and soon-to-be viral) videos of the green movement.


A funny cartoon showing how whether or not global warming were a hoax or not, increased environmental responsibility is always a good thing.

The Governator says 'eff you' to the California state legislature in a secret coded message. Priceless!

The planet may very well be fighting against our fight against climate change. What is its primary weapons? TREES!

Now you can make your own handy-dandy swine flu vaccine at home! The same toxic ingredients in the government issued vaccine are easy to come by.

Don't be fooled by their cuteness, the kitties are out to get us...and our water. Fortunately, Jason Mraz has a great water conservation tip to save us all!

Global warming is one of the fastest killers on the planet...just look at what happened to Ice Cube, Vanilla Ice, and Ice-T.