Environmental NewsHome & Garden

Yahoo! is going green and they're helping us do the same. Check out the web giant's new tools to help you discover how big of an impact you make on the environment and what you can do to change it...with simple and easy action!

Check out Planet Green, an interactive internet game from Starbucks that let's you quest your way through to learning ways to live green. It's so much fun!

Earth Day festivals sure are fun! Check out these pictures from my local Earth Day festival in Nashville, TN.

Home Depot is giving away 1,000,000 FREE CFL's on Earth Day. Why not run out and grab one so you can save some money ...and the environment?

With San Francisco banning plastic bags and Ikea charging for them, plastic shopping bags must be pure evil right? Here are the pros & cons of plastic bags.

Looking for quality information about living green? Energy Planet is the best place to find all green websites and blogs organized by green topics.

Green Business. It's a growing trend in the world and CNN Money just released a list of the 10 greenest companies in the world. Check it out.

Publix grocery stores makes the hassle of recycling non-existent. Check out the recycling bins next to the front doors of your local Publix.


The 2007 Oscars go green in the Green Room. What a concept, huh? Check out the measures they've taken to make this year's Academy Awards a little more environmentally friendly.