Earth Hour: 10+ Ways to Have Fun In The Dark Tonight

by Jeffrey

Earth Hour, energy savings, green events

Earth Hour is only 9 hours away (for CST), but is from 8:30-9:30pm local time everywhere.

Are you ready? I sure am!


What can you do while you’re in the dark for an hour?

Oh the FUN of the possibilities doesn’t seem to have an end…


Earth Hour 101

This year Earth Hour will be the 1st global election in the history of the world — and anyone of any age or any nationality can vote. On one ballot is the Earth and on the other, Global Warming.

Your vote is as simple as flipping off your light switch for an hour.

If you’re still not quite sure what Earth Hour actually is, CNET’s Green Tech blog describes it in a pretty cool way, calling it:

“A sort of open-source movement against global warming.”

At last report, 3,900 cities in 84 countries have pledged to participate in Earth Hour!

Looks like there’s a great chance for reaching those 1 billion light-switch-flipping “votes” for The Earth in this global election. What will happen with those votes? They’ll be presented to world leaders at the UN Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen later this year, telling our governments that we care about dealing with the problem called global warming.


Fun Things To Do For Earth Hour

Here are even more fun ways you can get the entire family involved in Earth Hour tonight!

Join the 1 billion people, 829 landmarks (including the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Eiffel Tower), and thousands of cities in dozens of countries tonight and cast your vote by switching off your lights… or steel chair wielding pandas might p0wn you!

What fun festivities do you have planned for Earth Hour tonight?