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Is ‘Clean Coal’ Fact Or Fiction?


Mirror, mirror in the mine, what’s the dirtiest lie of all time?

Coal. It’s dirty, it’s dangerous, and it’s giving us energy for the last 2,200 years.

Just because something has been around for so long, doesn’t mean it’s beneficial… does it?

The coal lobbies in the US would have us believe that we can utilize “clean coal” applications to continue satisfying our enormous energy appetite.

What do you think? Is “clean coal” fact or fiction?

Here at The Fun Times Guide to Living Green we’re not “against” anything… but we are FOR a lot of things.

For me personally, I’m NOT for “clean coal”.

Here’s why…

Late last week I had the privilege of going to NYC for the 2nd annual Greener Gadgets conference.

While in the Big Apple, I was fortunate enough to gain access to a very chic party put on by an awesome organization called the Waterkeeper Alliance, as I shared in a post this past weekend.

The Waterkeeper Alliance is all about:

“Waterkeeper Alliance connects and supports local Waterkeeper programs to provide a voice for waterways and their communities worldwide. To champion clean water and strong communities, Waterkeeper Alliance:

  1. Supports and empowers member Waterkeeper organizations to protect communities, ecosystems and water quality;
  2.  Promotes the Waterkeeper model for watershed protection worldwide
  3. Advocates for issues common to Waterkeeper programs.”

A few eco celebs, like Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Kevin Bacon, made an appearance at this party in SoHo; but the main event of the evening was the announcement of a new initiative and website: TheDirtyLie.com

Check out the quick promo video for the campaign:

Here in Tennessee, where I live, we’re dealing with what many have described as, “the worst environmental disaster in our country’s history”.

What is this disaster? A gigantic coal ash spill…that is constantly being downplayed, by the way.

Uhhhh… so where’s the FUN in all this?

I’m glad you asked.

Even though TheDirtyLie.com slightly camps out on the “doom and gloom” side of things, it has some really fun (and funny) elements to it.

You can learn about coal and “clean coal, take action, and learn how to make a change in your own life or home.

The entire “clean coal” conversation has been quite funny as a whole.

Check out The Daily Green’s list of funny “clean coal” videos, including videos from the clean coal carolers and the Cohen brothers. Priceless!

Reality is that mismanaging our planet’s resources (like trees, fossil fuels, water, and more) isn’t fun, or funny, at all. Sometimes we need to just buck up and raise awareness to the fact that the only ones held accountable for the stewardship of our earth are us… its inhabitants.

Take a moment to check out the various links and campaigns in this post and, regardless of which side of the fence you come down on, you’re really not a bad person — you just might be worse than you could be.

Just kidding… kind of.