Articles Tagged:


This may be the sexiest and most practical rain barrel you've EVER seen!

Letting your automatic sprinklers run during a rain storm...FAIL!

Love the way an old wine barrel looks for a rain barrel but can't afford one? Check out this easy and affordable DIY wooden rain barrel idea!

Ever thought of how many MILLIONS of toothbrushes end up in landfills every year? The Source toothbrush - a green toothbrush by Radius - is the answer!

Did you miss the Greener Gadgets 2009 Conference? Check out this recap, my live tweeting of the event, and insider info on a VIP WaterKeepers party the night before!

Want to meet local Twitter users near you AND save the world? Check out your local Twestival and how you can help!

Want to save the earth? Conquer your bladder shyness and use a urinal.

Want to save some serious water and some serious cash? These are the simple steps I'm taking to reduce my water wastage...and you can too.

Teaching our children how to live green is the BEST way to change the world. I got to speak to an entire 3rd grade class about it, and they blew me away!