Articles Tagged:

sustainable sex

A great green Valentine's Day isn't just for the ladies. Guys need eco-friendly gifts too.

Greening your night time routine can help you fall asleep faster, sleep better, and wake up feeling healthy and rested.

A new year is a great reason to make some changes that you've been putting off for one reason or another. Here are some fun ways to live greener this year.

These novel condoms are actually FDA approved and raise money for the relief and cleanup efforts of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Want to do your part to save some water and the planet? Grab your significant other or attractive stranger and shower together.

Check out reviews of the BEST sites to find totally free eCards...from funny ones to naughty ones.

Vegetarians taste better...and so do vegetarian vampires. Check out these fun facts and rumors of the sexual benefits of vegetarianism with the release of Twilight tomorrow in theaters.

4 creative ways to go green this Valentine's Day...and every other day of the year.

Want to save some money and energy as the temperature drops outside? Check out these fun and free ways to stay warm together through the winter.