Articles Tagged:


reel mower

Find out why it's more environmentally friendly (and healthier for you) to use an old-fashioned push reel mower. Reviews, green mowing tips, and more!

For an inexpensive natural weed killer, try this simple & effective natural weed killer recipe: just salt, vinegar, and dish soap!

Google, Yahoo, and U.S. naval bases all use goats to keep their properties neat and trim, so why waste time with a gas-powered lawn mower?

Why not guide guests to your door via a solar-powered LED-lit glass paver walkway?

This great cartoon might make you think twice before using -- or even buying -- Monsanto's Round Up to kill weeds in your lawn and garden.

Have the shortcomings of reel mowers deterred you from giving them a try? Check out the Fiskars Momentum reel mower that performs as well as gas mowers.

Sexy DIY costumes and other slick DIY rain barrel ideas and home decor projects were the most popular posts in 2009. What was your favorite?

Letting your automatic sprinklers run during a rain storm...FAIL!

Tired of mowing the lawn? Here's a creative partner who's BOUND to help.