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We work so hard to rid our lives of plastic bags, why not do the same for our pets' lives too?

Hats off to this AMAZING pug! If he can live green, so can we.

Looking for some great green dog toys? Check out the eco-friendly Gourdo dog throw toy from RuffWear. Your dog will jump for joy!

Want to reduce your dog's eco-pawprint? Check out these 6 easy things you can do to help your dog live green!

People aren't the only ones that need healthy organic food. Treat your pooch to organic homemade dog treats. These are great frozen dog treats!

Do you have a recycled pet? If so, then you're already thinking green, and your pet thanks you. Here are 5 easy ways to be a green dog owner or a green cat owner...

Your pets have a huge environmental impact. Why not have some fun by going green with your pet?