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Spoil Your Dog With Homemade Frozen Organic Dog Treats

Photo of author

By Jeffrey

homemade-organic-dog-treatsHumans aren’t the only ones who need good quality organic food to keep us healthy and strong.

Dogs do too!

Always use caution when acting as your pooch’s personal chef, because lots of things yummy to us people are toxic to our four-legged friends.

No need to worry about that with this recipe, however, these frozen organic doggie treats will definitely please the pooches as the temperature rises.

I stumbled upon this recipe this morning in a local pet rescue organization‘s montlhy newsletter.

The recipe comes from a blog “written” by the 2 Newfoundlands Nanook and Pooka. The text is merely transcribed by their mommy, Lori.


All The Frozen Goodness:

  • 32 oz. plain organic yogurt
  • 2 Tbls. All Natural Peanut Butter
  • 2 Tbls. Honey
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 banana
  • Sometimes I put melon or applesauce in. Or whatever I have on hand. Sometimes I top with a biscuit or biscuit crumbs.
  • Mix in a blender and pour into individual cups.
  • I use small containers from the deli dept. with lids. Stackable in the freezer.


More Homemade Dog Treat Recipes

For more great organic dog treat recipes, check out the Homemade Pet Food section of and

There’s also a Homemade Dog Treats section at our sister site, The Fun Times Guide to Dogs.

And they’re constantly adding new dog treat recipes from around the web on this Pinterest board: Homemade Dog Treats.

See which human foods are safe for dogs and which ones are not.

dogs-need-organic-food-too.jpgOh yeah, here’s a pic of one of my 2 beautiful logaroos.

They’re really black lab mixes, but they have mannerisms of a lion, a dog, and a kangaroo.

So I’ve deemed them logaroos.