Want to “go green” but don’t know how or where to start?
Yeah, we know it can be overwhelming… to say the least.
Here at The Fun Times Guide to Living Green we’re all about the simple, affordable, easy, and — most importantly — FUN ways to live green.
For that reason, I thought I’d let you know that you can make a difference and Yahoo!Green can help.
That’s right, Yahoo is going green, step-by-step, just like everyone else… and they’re offering some great tools to help us do the same.
At Yahoo Green you can calculate just your own or your entire household’s environmental impact, or “footprint”, as we say.
Why is it important to calculate such a thing?
Well, as good ole’ G.I. Joe used to tell me every day when I was a little boy, “Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.” How can we expect to take any action, and have a good time doing it, if we don’t know what the problems are? Yo Joe!
So what else can you do besides calculate your own environmental footprint?
After you calculate your footprint, you can pledge to take action(s) by dragging and dropping activities from one column to the next–everything from changing to CFL’s to buying a hybrid are on the list of options.
Upon selecting the simple choices you pledge to take part in, Yahoo not only estimates the CO2 emissions you’ll save, but also provides you with links to more information you can explore in every area you pledged to act on! How cool is that?
- You can get great “News, Facts, and Talk” on the topic. This includes everything from Climate Science 101 and “What is Global Warming?” to product reviews and clever green DIY projects.
- Eco friendly shopping — from the cheap to the expensive.
- Blogs like EcoGeek; Physicist Amory Lovins; and Dr. Bill Chameides, chief scientist of Environmental Defense.
- There are so many more helpful, simple, easy, and fun ways to live green.
What do you think about the new Yahoo Green and how much CO2 emissions have you pledged to save?
We’d love to know and share…