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4th of July: How to Have Green FUN on the Least Eco-Friendly Holiday

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By Jeffrey

fireworks.jpg Ok. Let’s be honest here…the 4th of July is probably the least eco-friendly holiday on the calendar, right?

And there is one reason, and one reason alone for that…


So even though eco-friendlier fireworks are making their way into the market, I’m not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that you can make this year a "green 4th of July".

Instead, what I am going to do is share some great ideas with you to that will be sure to help you have green(ER) fun this 4th of July.

It’s true that the "greenest fireworks" are actually no fireworks.

But how much fun is that?

Check out this enlightening post on TreeHugger if you’re interested in knowing some really interesting factoids and statistics about the health and pollution risks that fireworks carry (even when being used sporadically).

FUN Ways to Have a Green(er) 4th of July

Even if you are going to ooooo and ahhhh over your city’s fireworks show (or maybe even host your own), there are plenty of ways you can keep this 4th of July as green as possible.

What do you have planned for the 4th of July weekend? Whatever it is, just remember that you can always choose to have FUN in eco-friendlier ways…not because you HAVE to, but because you can GET to if you want to.

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