Come one, come all! Here at The Fun Times Guide to Living Green we finally have the exclusive details on the ultimate electric riding mower, the Electric Ox, that so many of you have been requesting.
We first heard of this wonderful piece of eco-machinery, and subsequently posted an article profiling all its spectacularness (our most popular entry ever, as of the date of this post), back in March of this year.
These details I bring you now are the result of phone calls and emails that have been exchanged between myself and the Electric Tractor Corporation since that first post in March.
(Ok, so maybe it’s been me calling them for 3 months, but hey, this is proof that persistence does pay off.)
So without further adieu, the price, details, and specifics of the Electric Ox and its options…
Before we begin, I do recommend you check out our first post about the Electric Ox, as I will not be detailing its features and benefits again in this post.
I will remind you, however, that the Electric Ox is so much more than just a cordless electric mower. As a matter of fact, it is technically an electric tractor with optional attachments.
The Attachments:
- 44” mower deck
- 48” dozer blade
- front counterweight (for use when towing)
- a rotary sweeping blade/brush
The Cost Breakdown:
The 48-volt Electric Ox tractor itself will set you back a cool $8,945 alone.
The 44” heavy duty mower deck attachment is another $1,195. That totals $10,140 for the functional mower.
To round out the optional attachments, the front 50lb. counterweight for use in towing is $135, the sweep blade/brush is $1,522 and the sweeping squeegee is $165.
Included in the information packet was an operational cost comparison of the Electric Ox and a conventional 18 to 20 horsepower lawn tractor. The cost of operating the Electric Ox: $211/yr; of operating a conventional gas-powered tractor: $845/yr
If that operational price comparison is correct, then in roughly 5 years of use, you could recoup the extra money forked out up-front for the versatile, zero-emission, and powerful Electric Ox, versus saving some front-end cash by buying a top of the line gas powered mower that will belch out greenhouse gases equaling 100,000 miles of driving for every 7 hours of lawn-mowing action.
The informational packet also included 2 Q&A files with some very nifty information. Some information in those files includes battery life details, horsepower ratings, and the fact that the Electric Ox is so quiet that you cannot even hear it operating from 50 feet away!
Here are these files in their entirety (in .pdf):
- US prices of tractor, options, and attachments
- Questions and Answers: Part 1 & Part 2
- Operational Cost Comparison of Electric Ox vs. 18-20 hp lawn tractor
Think of the advantages that it could have in differing climates, like in the north. That 48” dozer attachment could come in handy when shoveling some snow.
So knowing how much pollution and green house gases that that conventional lawn mowers and tractors spew into the atmosphere, would you consider an electric tractor like the Electric Ox?