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YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip (Award-Winning New Film)

YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip. Put this on your must-see list.

This is an excellent-looking film I heard about a few months ago and would love to see.

Apparently it’s as good as the trailers make it look.

YERT, I think, is exactly what this site is about – fun ways to help the environment and fun storytelling to give props to such innovative, green projects and efforts.


At its world premiere at the Environmental Film Festival at Yale (EEFY) a couple weeks ago, the film tied with Oscar-nominated Waste Land for the EFFY Audience Award.

OK, want to know what the film is about exactly?

The best way to find out is probably just to watch one of the film’s 60(!) trailers on YouTube.

Or maybe all 60.

I’ve included what were apparently the first 2 here:

For those into text summaries… Hello, is anyone still out there?… Well, in case you come back, here’s a little more info in old-fashioned text:

YERT includes the stories of innovative, cool people and projects all across the United States who are making a difference and protecting the environment, in ways many of us never could have dreamt up.

This is anything but a dry documentary. The 3 filmmakers have focused on making the whole thing fun and light-hearted (and no, that doesn’t mean the projects are any less meaningful).

The 3 filmmakers, all in their 20s, roll across the US’ 50 states in 52 weeks searching out and documenting local solutions to climate change. Wish I could have joined along.

Jeff Biggers of Huffington Post interviewed the 3 filmmakers just before YERT’s world premiere.

If you aren’t tired of the text yet, head on over there to check out that interview.