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WE ADD UP: Clever Organic T-Shirts With a Purpose

Don’t let anyone EVER tell you that you’re not doing “enough”.

Every little green step you take counts…big time!


Because small steps taken by a lot of people REALLY add up.

That’s what WE ADD UP is all about…and that’s why I like them.


WE ADD UP is mostly known for their incredibly awesome 100% U.S. grown organic cotton t-shirts.

At the time of this writing, they have 30 different “actions” you can display on the shirt of your choice. I like the “Shower Together” one you can see above…for obvious reasons.

What’s even more FUN about WE ADD UP is that they don’t want you to simply buy their shirts, they want you to start a conversation.

For example, on the “Shower Together” t-shirt page, you see a section that says,

“The real question is how showering together DOESN’T help! Showers account for 22% of individual water use in North America. And, while you’re at it, get a low-flow showerhead. Reduce water waste, but not showerhead pressure.”

Why does that rock so incredibly hard?

Because it means WE ADD UP isn’t just trying to hop on the trendy organic t-shirt bandwaggon.

No, they want you to use their cleverly designed shirts to actually start a conversation…and know some statistics to use during those conversations.

It doesn’t get much craftier than that!


You Are More Than a Number…Theoretically

Since everyone’s small steps really add up, it makes sense to make yourself counted, eh?

WE ADD UP will hand-print the number of your individual t-shirt on it…showing how much we actually do add up.

As of today, 10,412 t-shirts have been purchased. Be cool and go make it 10,413.


Are The Shirts Really Organic?

Yup. They sure are. On the “About Our Products” page, WE ADD UP says,

“While organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or herbicides, non-organic cotton is the most pesticide-intensive crops on earth. Although cotton is grown on only about three percent of the farmland in the world, 25 percent of the world’s pesticides are used on cotton fields.

National Academy of Sciences researchers have classified more than 80 percent of the most commonly used pesticides as potentially carcinogenic. Each tee helps prevent about one-third of a pound of pesticides from getting into topsoil and groundwater, and helps farm workers avoid dangerous chemical exposure…”

Let me share with you an equation I’ve created for WE ADD UP:

Organic cotton t-shirts + clever design + informational existentialism – eco snobbery = the awesomeness of WE ADD UP

Head on over to WE ADD UP to check out the amazing plethora of “actions” you can put on your brand new organic t-shirt. They only cost $20!

Oh, and speaking of clever organic t-shirts for around $20, you do NOT want to miss these great Earth Day Star Wars organic t-shirts….trust me!