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Bigfoot has finally been caught on video...and he's sick and tired of peopling trashing the woods!

The cutest video you've EVER seen, best friends Suryia the orangutan and Roscoe the dog, help raise awareness about an issue that needs attention

Check out these fun videos from green companies at the Green Living Expo in Nashville...and win a free non-toxic & organic t-shirt!

Check out these incredibly FUN interviews on the street of people in Nashville, TN right before and during the darkness of Earth Hour

Want to find out what the biggest, dirtiest lie of modern history is? It's that clean coal is a reality. Coal is dirty... any way you mine it.

As the late, great, George Carlin asks in this comedy bit, "Is it the planet or the people?" This George Carlin video will make you scratch your head!

Publix is saving tons of energy, tons of money, and earning overall cool points by installing motion detecting LED lights in their stores! Check it out!