Articles Tagged:

rain barrels

Want cheap rain barrels that look nice? I've got 3 DIY ideas for you using wooden, plastic, and plain 'ol ugly barrels. Pretty rain barrels to make yourself

9 budget-friendly ways to make an eco friendly house - from replacing plastic with natural materials to using eco friendly cleaning products & 7 other green home tips.

Some down & dirty practical ways that living green actually saves you more money than non-green options do - point by point, with my own firsthand examples.

What if your house could be one giant water saving machine? If it were built out of Save Water Bricks, it could be.

If you want a cheap yet high quality rain barrel, don't miss out on this sale from Northern Tool. Pick up a 52 gallon rain barrel for $39!

Sexy DIY costumes and other slick DIY rain barrel ideas and home decor projects were the most popular posts in 2009. What was your favorite?

This may be the sexiest and most practical rain barrel you've EVER seen!

Love the way an old wine barrel looks for a rain barrel but can't afford one? Check out this easy and affordable DIY wooden rain barrel idea!

Ever thought of how many MILLIONS of toothbrushes end up in landfills every year? The Source toothbrush - a green toothbrush by Radius - is the answer!