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What is World Water Day and why is it important? This infographic answers those questions better than any article.

The Coca Cola company may seem to be an unlikely candidate for the greenest sponsor of the 2010 Olympics, but wait until you see how far they went to be just that.

Just a taste of some of the most viral (and soon-to-be viral) videos of the green movement.

WaterPik's EcoFlow handheld shower head helps you enjoy saving water... and this low-flow shower head handles low water pressure with ease! Here's my review

Sometimes LED Christmas lights aren't the most eco-friendly option. Find out how regular old mini lights can be greener than LEDs.

Don't be fooled by their cuteness, the kitties are out to get us...and our water. Fortunately, Jason Mraz has a great water conservation tip to save us all!

The Chippendale dance-off between Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze...hands down Swayze's finest moment.

Want to save some serious water and some serious cash? These are the simple steps I'm taking to reduce my water wastage...and you can too.

Easy, quick, and cheap ways to save A LOT of water for World Water Day...and every other day.