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Don't waste your money, or the environment, on shiny new wrapping paper. Here are 8 eco-friendly ways to wrap gifts.

What's better for your home and the environment at Christmas? A real or artificial Christmas tree?

Be sure you buy just the right gift for all the green girls on your Christmas list.

Great green gift ideas for any guy on your Christmas list.

A simple dusk to dawn timer can help seriously green your Christmas lights...whether they're LED's or not.

Coal can get even the naughtiest person clean... as long as it's one of these handmade 'lump of coal' soaps from Etsy.

Why waste gas driving around to look at Christmas lights when you could be your very own Christmas lights display on two wheels?

Get creative by using these easy-to-make bows on presents. Plus, fun ways to wrap Christmas presents without using commercial wrapping paper.

Sometimes LED Christmas lights aren't the most eco-friendly option. Find out how regular old mini lights can be greener than LEDs.