Halloween is just around the corner, but this year GREEN is the new black.
Oh you don’t have to dye your full length vampire cape forest green, but there are some amazingly fun, simple, and tasty ways to have a great green-o-ween this year.
There’s vegan Halloween cupcakes, eco-safe candy, reusable Halloween bags, and so much more.
Be sure to let us know your favorite way to have a green-o-ween!
Blood From Your Fangs Is Fine, But Not From Your Wallet
GreenDaily did a great green Halloween roundup earlier this month.
In the article they reported a statistic from the National Retail Federation saying,
“Halloween is the most popular consumer holiday after Christmas, with Americans spending nearly $65 per costume and spending a national total of nearly $5 billion each year for decorations, candy and costumes.”
Check out some truly wonderful and eco-friendly ideas they share on how you can stop the hemorrhaging of your wallet this Halloween.
Vegetarians Taste Better
CraftyCrafty is responsible for the deliciousness you see in the picture above.
Since you’re going to be cramming your face with sweets and treats anyways, why not go vegan with these yummy vegan Halloween cupcakes.
I bet you won’t even be able to tell the difference…but your body will thank you.
Oh, and while you’re at it, pick up a Vegeterian Vampire t-shirt to wear while you make and serve them (there’s my obligatory Twilight reference…even though I’ve deemed the book “emotional pornography for women”, ha).
Head on over to CraftyCrafty for the recipe.
Reusable Bags: All The Cool Goblins Have Them
Robin Shreeves at the Sustainablog has found the quintessential green-o-ween item.
Don’t get me wrong, any reusable bag you already have at home will do the job, but this awesome reusable Halloween bag is top notch.
This is no ordinary reusable bag, it’s a ChicoBag…one of the best bags (and companies) around.
In addition, the design on this particular bag is something special. The Sustainablog says,
“The design on this particular Chicobag was done by a 12-year-old student, Estefania Vargas. The bag features features a happy skeleton watering his pumpkin field/ graveyard at night underneath a full moon.”
All Little (And Big) Ghouls Need Safe And Sustainable Candy
GreenPicks, a Yahoo Green blog, has the resource for finding safe, organic, and affordable Halloween chocolates.
Many of the brands they recommend are not only organic, fair trade, and safe, but locally produced as well.
Look for such brands as Endangered Species Chocolate, Natural Candy Store, Yummy Earth, and much more.
So, as everyone gets geared up for another great green Halloween, what are some other ideas you have for making this year a great green-o-ween?
Other Fun Ways To Have A Green Halloween
- 5 Ways To Have A Green Halloween – eco-friendly Halloween lighting, all-natural Halloween treats & more
- Treehugger Ways To Go Green This Halloween – a huge collection of DIY green Halloween ideas
- 10 Ways To Green Your Halloween – great tips for having green candy, green costumes, and green decorations
- 7 Tricks To Green Halloween – crafty DIY Halloween tips and uses for pumpkins