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Zachary Shahan

Recognized globally as an electric vehicle, solar energy, and energy storage expert, I am the director and chief editor of Cleantechnica. I'm also the president of Important Media and the director & founder of EV Obsession and Solar Love.

Cool solar gadgets don't just have to be small scale consumer products. Check these out!

Green Christmas present ideas

It's not too late to buy for the greener giftees on your Christmas list!

solar in uk schools

A clever UK website has come up with a way for parents & eco-minded community members to donate small amounts of money to put solar on local schools' roofs.

Is Facebook finally bringing home energy usage monitoring to the masses in a way that is fun and natural? Check out Facebook's Social Energy App!

Bike rides don't have to be just exercise, they can be fun too.

Biking is a great way to get healthier. It's also a good way to get to work and school. Cycling can be FUN too! Some ways to add joy to your next bike ride.

Rail car turned mobile garden

Look what happens when clever environmentally-minded artists get their green thumb on in a Chicago rail car.

logitech k750 wireless solar keyboard for mac users

There are all kinds of useless solar powered gadgets on the market, but these 7 are among the coolest, and more useful, of those gadgets.

world solar challenge

Is it possible to build a car fast enough and green enough to race across Australia? That's the World Solar Challenge.

Sun Cutter low tech light cutter

There are all kinds of ways to harness the power of the sun. This 3D printer and light-cutting sunglasses are just a couple of them.