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Green Gifts: 7 Last-Minute Christmas Present Ideas

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By Zachary

Green Christmas present ideasIf you’re like me and totally haven’t been thinking about Christmas this year, perhaps you’re still in need of some Christmas gifts.

Hopefully, I can help you out with this list of last-minute Christmas gift ideas (green ones, of course).

There are all kinds of awesome things to get the greener-minded folks on your Christmas list. The cool thing about giving a green gift to someone who cares about the environment, is that the types of things you may give that person are the types of presents that have that “wow factor”.

They’re the types of presents that the giftee probably wouldn’t ever think to buy for themselves, but totally love when they receive them.

So without further adieu, here’s the list…

  1. Food. Everybody needs food, and getting people what they actually need is one easy green option. Also, finding food isn’t too difficult. Recommendations: try to go 100% organic, try to go local, avoid foods heavily wrapped in plastic or other packaging, and try to go fair trade.
  2. Membership to a Cool Organization. Help them hep the world with a membership to an environmental organization like WWF, Oceana, Rainforest Action Network, or Greenpeace. You can often get a little gift for them to go with the membership, though it might be too late to have it arrive by Christmas without a little extra — look into it.
  3. Homemade Coupons. I know, you’ve probably thought of this one by now, but if you haven’t… homemade coupons for massages, kisses, household chores, and such are great for intimate relationships, but you can also create coupons for “dinner on me”, “sports event on me”, “movie on me”, and so on for other friends.
  4. The Obvious. Okay, since we’re going in that direction, I’ll mention the obvious (which is still a good option, even if it’s obvious) — gift cards to one’s favorite shop (a bookstore, electronics outlet, Whole Foods, etc.). This allows them to buy something USEFUL that they will actually use, always a good thing.
  5. A Course Membership. Have a friend who’s always talking about how much they’d like to take a yoga course (maybe even zombie yoga), cooking course, dance class, or such? Surprise them with a gift that keeps on giving!
  6. Plant a Forest for Them. If your friend or partner is a real greenie, I’m sure he/she would appreciate you sponsoring a forest or other carbon offset project on their behalf. There are many out there. If you don’t know of any and don’t want to do the searching though, perhaps Cool Earth, TerraPass, or Carbonfund strike your fancy.
  7. Gardening Kit. One last idea for now — if they’re into gardening or the idea of gardening — head on down to your local gardening supply shop and find a nice gardening kit to get them rolling.

Not good enough? Want some more ideas?

Check out these Christmas gift posts from last year for even more ideas:

Any other ideas for good, last-minute green gifts? Leave us a comment below.

[Photo: NotEmily/Flickr]