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Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez

As an advocate for good health, I usually try to choose the 'greener' option over other more dangerous and/or wasteful options. Generally speaking, if it's bad for your health or the planet, I try to avoid it. In my effort to live green, I like to find new (healthier) budget-friendly ways to do things -- from cleaning to recycling to home decorating. My goal is to help you take the chore out of living green by sharing fun new ecofriendly ideas that you can try today... or any day! My all-time favorite way to live green is to repurpose items and give them a new use -- and I've written a lot of DIY articles showing how I've done it.

Got Mardi Gras beads? You can reuse parade parade beads as gift wrap, a DIY chandelier, drink coasters, centerpieces, party favors - but, don't recycle them!

LED bulbs are finally affordable, so I'm converting my entire home to LED lightbulbs. See my top picks for the 5 best cheap LED light bulbs.

Enjoy glass insulators as much as I do? Have you tried to repurpose old glass insulators in any of your craft projects yet? 5 fun ideas to get you started!

Where to find free materials for all your indoor & outdoor DIY projects: free pallets, barrels, mulch, lumber, dirt, rocks, trees, and seasonal craft items!

I love buying green furniture for my house! Here's what you need to know before you buy eco friendly furniture + Tips on buying used and recycled furniture

Is it better to buy a real Christmas tree or a fake one? The answer may surprise you!

Wondering about the environmental impact of real vs. fake Christmas trees? Here's what I've learned... Fake Christmas tree vs. real Christmas tree facts.

Palm Oil

See why palm oil is so dangerous & how palm oil products are being used. Since palm oil has many different aliases, here's a list of ingredients to look for.

Recycle Christmas Trees

I love the holidays, but I also love Earth. That's why I recycle Christmas trees, flowers & other organic materials that I use for Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Here's how...