Articles Tagged:


I love buying green furniture for my house! Here's what you need to know before you buy eco friendly furniture + Tips on buying used and recycled furniture

Is it better to buy a real Christmas tree or a fake one? The answer may surprise you!

Wondering about the environmental impact of real vs. fake Christmas trees? Here's what I've learned... Fake Christmas tree vs. real Christmas tree facts.

Recycle Christmas Trees

I love the holidays, but I also love Earth. That's why I recycle Christmas trees, flowers & other organic materials that I use for Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas. Here's how...

Automatic Car Washes

Here's proof: 4 reasons automatic car washes are environmentally friendly. Plus 4 money-saving tips before you take your car through an automatic car wash.

Green Jobs

If you're looking for a green job, here are 10 awesome career choices. From urban planning to recycling, these are 10 green jobs that are booming!

Recycling Fun

You can make recycling a lot more fun and less of a chore at home - for both adults AND kids! These 5 unique recycling ideas will make things a lot easier.

Green Coffee

Eco friendly coffee practices go WAY beyond just using green coffee beans. I've found a few clever ways to go green while drinking coffee. Have you tried these?

Recycled paper from old magazines, newspapers, and phone books can be put to good use by trying one of these 5 fun recycled art projects!

Wondering if leaf scoops really work better than a traditional rake when you're raking leaves? I tried a set of ReLeaf leaf scoops. Here's why I like 'em.