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LED bulbs are finally affordable, so I'm converting my entire home to LED lightbulbs. See my top picks for the 5 best cheap LED light bulbs.

Enjoy glass insulators as much as I do? Have you tried to repurpose old glass insulators in any of your craft projects yet? 5 fun ideas to get you started!

Amazing DIY projects to help keep you safe (and healthy) while biking. Fun ways to add lights to your bike!

Make your landscape shine with solar powered LED firefly lights. Why? Because you can!

In 2013, I installed smart home technology in my home: a smart lighting system. My pros & cons of living with home automation that controls all of the lights in your house.

Simple, easy, and creative project to turn a gourd into a festive party light or chic accent lamp.

Before spending money on LED light bulbs, see EXACTLY how much money you will save using them in your home. Truth is... you could save thousands of dollars!

9 budget-friendly ways to make an eco friendly house - from replacing plastic with natural materials to using eco friendly cleaning products & 7 other green home tips.

Looking for some spooky ecofriendly Halloween decorations this year? Make your own Halloween LED lights! Here's how...