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Looking for some creative and eco-friendly Valentine's Day date ideas? These are sure to please your partner.

Use your iPhone or Android phone to have fun hunting geocaches and replenish forests at the same time.

Can board game trivia always be trusted? If this answer card from 'The Green Game' is any indication, then hell no.

The Coca Cola company may seem to be an unlikely candidate for the greenest sponsor of the 2010 Olympics, but wait until you see how far they went to be just that.

Don't worry about Democracy, create an OILigarchy. This great online game will teach you the greatest lesson you've ever learned about the oil industry and its effects.

Kids learn by watching and mimicking adults. Here are 4 simple ways to help children (even if they're not your own) appreciate the environment & live green.

Major League Baseball is going green...find out how you can too!

The Philadelphia Eagles are going green! That's right, imagine the environmental impact of a professional football game...and what could be done to turn it around.

Check out Planet Green, an interactive internet game from Starbucks that let's you quest your way through to learning ways to live green. It's so much fun!