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Going green, getting healthier, and cleaning out your winter junk can all be accomplished in one fell swoop.

Pumpkin pie is great, but so boring. Check out these 9 creative pumpkin recipes to enjoy this fall.

Best BoGo deal EVER - buy a SWEET solar powered flashlight and someone in the developing world who needs light, gets one FREE!

Green cleaning can help you save money and live healthily. Here's how to pull it off... the most toxic chemicals to avoid, plus tips for cleaning green at home!

Can heating your food in a plastic container really give you cancer? You may be surprised with what you discover.

Have you realized that bottled water is one of the biggest scams of our time? MSN Money is now helping to pass along the word.

Would you throw wads of feces into your washing machine? That's what happens when washing cloth diapers. Is there another alternative to cloth and disposable diapers?

Live green...even in death. Green burials are not only more comforting and meaningful for loved ones, but also more beneficial for the environment.