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Green St. Patrick’s Day Party Tips: 3 Ways To Green Your Party

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By Jeffrey

diy-bottle-cap-candlesGreen. It’s the color of spring. Trees, grass, herbs, flowers, beer, all of it green.

Wait, beer is green too? 

That’s right, both literally and figuratively on St. Patrick’s Day!

With all the major cities taking part in this celebration of St. Patrick’s Day (though most of us Americans remain ignorant of its purpose) and turning various bodies of water from blue to green, why stop at literally going green?

How about environmentally going green as well?

Not only could this be a good excuse to try out the green life with a few simple steps, but you could pass it on to your friends as well.


3 Ways To Green Your St. Patrick’s Day Party


#1 – Green your brew.

Stop in your local Wild Oats Market or Publix Grocery Store and pick up some organic beer. Yeah, it might cost a little more than regular domestic, but you’ll never forget the taste — especially if you get a brand with honey added!

Now I’m not saying to forgo the classics, but just use an organic beer to add some variety. Of course you’ll still want to get your traditional Guinness Draught and pick up some cheap light beer to turn green (just add food coloring). Maybe even try shopping around for organic food coloring.

Here are some fun green drink recipes to try.


#2 – Decorate with green LED Christmas lights.

Wow your friends with a decoration of dim lighting and strings of green LED Christmas lights up around your house.

You can buy them year round on the Internet. has a great assortment with wonderful prices!


#3 – Give a green thumb as party favors.

Give your guests a packet of basic herb seeds —  like basil seeds or cilantro seeds — as a party favor.

You could even print out instructions including info on how to plant and how easy it is to care for these hearty herbs as well.

Heck, you could print those instructions on 100% recycled paper too!


As you can see, there are all sorts of things you can do to truly go green this St. Patrick’s Day.

What are some other ideas you’ve thought of?

IMPORTANT: As always, drink responsibly and designate a DD if you’ve had (or plan to have) too much to drink.