Articles Tagged:


Enterprise will 'pick you up' in Nissan's new all-electric LEAF beginning this month.

Get rid of pointless things taking up space in your life. Its good for you & the planet! Here are 3 key points from the book 50 Things Your Life Doesnt Need


A great high-speed rail system in the U.S. would make travel cheaper, greener, and more fun than depending on cars and planes.

Get healthy, better your family, and have some fun by joining in International Walk To School Day each October.

Can you go car free for ONE day? Ditch your car in favor of your feet, a bike, scooter, or bus for World Carfree Day in September.

Nissan's new LEAF commercial is a refreshing bait and switch of polar bear cuteness.

The costs of a longer commute may actually cancel out the savings of a cheaper home in the suburbs.

Lance Armstrong may have won the Tour De France 7 times, but he still spends a lot of time behind cars... and he's tired of sucking on your tailpipe.

Even for diehard walkers & bikers, sometimes you just have to drive somewhere. Why not make your car work for you? Here's how to use your car to live green.