Ecofriendly TravelHome & Garden

Who thought we'd be using soybeans and volatile parts of nuclear weapons for alternative fuels in our vehicles? But hey, if it works! Biodiesel tips here.

Want to save money at the pump this Memorial Day weekend? Take 30 minutes to follow these tips and save big on gas!

Every wondered what the differences in diesel and hybrid vehicles are? Which one is right for you? We've got you covered with all the details here at the Fun Times Guide to Living Green

Buying healthy and organic foods is so expensive, right? Wrong! See how you can buy healthy and organic foods on a food stamp budget.

Rumors of LED lit displays on the new MacBook Pro have been circulating for quite some time. Could they be true and what benefits would they bring?

Check out Planet Green, an interactive internet game from Starbucks that let's you quest your way through to learning ways to live green. It's so much fun!

It's National Barbecue month and have you ever thought about the environmental impacts of that barbecue grill? Check out these 6 facts, tips, and tricks to green your grill this spring and summer!

The Vegas Strip is an energy consumption nightmare! Check out this facts, figures, and solutions to the bright lights of Vegas.

Earth Day festivals sure are fun! Check out these pictures from my local Earth Day festival in Nashville, TN.