Green ProductsHome & Garden

Would you throw wads of feces into your washing machine? That's what happens when washing cloth diapers. Is there another alternative to cloth and disposable diapers?

With stainless steel and new biodegradable plastics such as PLA available, why would anyone choose to use traditional plastics? The pros & cons of PLA plastic products

Disposable coffee cups add up to mounds of solid waste very quickly. Why not bring your own mug, get a discount, and save the world all at the same time?

Yahoo! is going green and they're helping us do the same. Check out the web giant's new tools to help you discover how big of an impact you make on the environment and what you can do to change it...with simple and easy action!

Looking for an electric riding mower or lawn tractor? Look no further, here are all the exclusive specs and prices on the Electric Ox.

There's nothing wrong with your ink cartridge... it's just out of ink! Save money AND the environment by refilling your ink cartridges at Cartridge World.

Apple unveils the new MacBook Pro with all the anticipated green upgrades! But what makes these features so much better for your computing experience and the environment?

Save some money and some sweat with these cheap and free ideas to cool your home this summer WITHOUT using the air conditioner.

Save up to 33% on your energy bills by taking 30 minutes to install a programmable thermostat. I did! (Who wouldn't want to save some money?)