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What if you have an unexpected vegetarian dinner guest this year? Here are 3 quick & easy vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes to wow your dinner guests.


The benefit of fruits and vegetables doesn't stop after you've eaten them. The remaining rinds and scraps can be quite handy around the house.

A new year is a great reason to make some changes that you've been putting off for one reason or another. Here are some fun ways to live greener this year.

Save energy, time, and reduce stress by cooking Thanksgiving staples in a crock pot.

The best way to live green is to start your day off that way. Check out these easy ways to green morning routine.

Take the pledge to go Meatless in May...your body and your planet will thank you.

Arbonne's FC5 line of skin and hair products is about the most eco-friendly personal care products I know of...right down to the packaging and no-VOC ink!

Take the challenge and fix some yummy vegan or vegetarian junk food for your next event, like a Super Bowl party. I bet no one even knows the difference!

Vegetarians taste better...and so do vegetarian vampires. Check out these fun facts and rumors of the sexual benefits of vegetarianism with the release of Twilight tomorrow in theaters.