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In 2013, I installed smart home technology in my home: a smart lighting system. My pros & cons of living with home automation that controls all of the lights in your house.

9 budget-friendly ways to make an eco friendly house - from replacing plastic with natural materials to using eco friendly cleaning products & 7 other green home tips.

Greening your daily activities is easier than you think. Check out some of these ideas and then share some of your own.

Is clean coal a myth or a reality? Maybe the answer isn't as cut and dry as you might think.

Looking for even more excuses to be addicted to Twitter? Here are 3 super FUN ways you can use your Twitter account to live green!

Don't get sucked dry by evil vampire load. October 30th is National Vampire Awareness Day! Now's the time to unplug electronics that are sucking phantom loads of electricity.

Phantom power is a serious thing. Fight energy sucking vampires with a SmartStrip smart power strip! You'll save big bucks AND the life of your gadgets.

Teaching our children how to live green is the BEST way to change the world. I got to speak to an entire 3rd grade class about it, and they blew me away!

Are you helping or hurting the environment? We are trying to help... but there are obviously more things that we could be doing. Here are some ideas of things you can do to make a difference with regard to Global Warming.