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Jeffrey Davis

I think every little step toward living green is an awesome one... but eco-snobbery sucks! My goal is to help newbies learn the most important steps toward living green -- individually and collectively. Personally, I strive to have as little impact as possible on Planet Earth while I'm here.

We work so hard to rid our lives of plastic bags, why not do the same for our pets' lives too?

Graham Hill's ThinBike

This bike design solves nearly every problem facing urban cyclists...and in a slick, almost too-simple design.

Two wild foxes find their way onto a trampoline then wrestle, play, and jump on it.

Add some stylish shelf and towel space to your bathroom for the big fat price of NOTHING!

These novel condoms are actually FDA approved and raise money for the relief and cleanup efforts of the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Use your iPhone or Android phone to have fun hunting geocaches and replenish forests at the same time.

Beware! Shiny coated paper store receipts deliver BPA to your skin alarmingly easier than plastic water bottles do!

Why not guide guests to your door via a solar-powered LED-lit glass paver walkway?

Lance Armstrong may have won the Tour De France 7 times, but he still spends a lot of time behind cars... and he's tired of sucking on your tailpipe.